I started this errand being very patient and nice to the salesperson. We worked out a deal that would allow us to get Hannah her replacement phone for $1, so I was really happy. That was at the beginning of the transaction. Two hours later, I was no longer patient. I was pissed off and ready to strangle anybody with a Best Buy shirt on. Everything that could have gone wrong did. It was lunch, so I was starving. Hannah was with me and just wanted to text her friends to let them know she had a phone again so she was difficult. That was when I saw myself in her. She declared "I never want to come back to this store again!" That was a little embarrassing, she said what I was thinking and obviously giving off with my body language. Hannah thought it was okay to be rude because I was being so obviously rude. Clearly, I need to work on my patience.
What do I do to change this? I am not even sure. I guess I need some advice on this one. How do I force myself to be more patient when standing in line? Waiting for a phone call? Waiting for my kids to get home? The list goes on and yet I have no idea what I need to do to become a patient person. What do others have in their personality that I don't? I know so many people who have the gift of patience, I am just not one of those people and I wish I was.