Our puppy found his voice today. He is loud! I was concerned he was sick because he wasn't acting like a puppy, until tonight. The puppy in him has been found. He is trying to become top dog. It just might happen, Stella doesn't seem interested in fighting for the position, until a Kong filled with liver paste enters the scene. Then the hairs rise and she is interested in a fight. The next few weeks should be interesting as these 2 dogs fight for the coveted position of "Top Dog". I am hoping Stella wins, she is after all older and had to wait for several years while Max was still with us to rise to the top.
The grocery bill remains low in this house. As of today our total grocery bill is $150.00. We are going out of town for the weekend, so we can bide our time for a few more days. However, we are out of food for the most part. We will be coming home on Sunday, I think that the grocery bill on Monday will likely exceed the $250.00 minimum required to keep our budget. The upside to this experiment has been that we have used up nearly everything in our pantry. I found instant oatmeal I did not know we still had and the kids finally ate the packages of microwave popcorn I have been collecting but never cooking. We can start fresh next week with "fresh" food.
I need to organize the closets and cabinets in this house. So, I have decided to take my experiment in using up all the food to the next level. The objects that take up space in the closets and cabinets are consumables. So, I am going to use up everything I can that does not need to be replaced for the next 2 months and then organize. Of course, some of those things have to be replaced, toilet paper is the first thing I can think of. But, I have 5 bottles of fabric softener on hand. I am confident that I can use that up before stocking up again.
Tomorrow is the last day of summer school for my kids. Next week will be a week without a routine for my daughters. My son has soccer camp in the morning, but the girls are going to be without plans. It could either be a disaster or a blessing. I guess time will tell. Well, time to sign off for the night. I will be out of town for weekend, look for a new blog on Monday.