Today will be my last day at the part time job I have held for over 3 years. I have loved that job. When my youngest started
Kindergarten, I decided that it was time to find something that would allow me to be home when I was needed, but would get me out of the house a couple days a week so that I would not succumb to
boredom. I found a perfect, flexible, part time job that would give me everything I was looking for.
Recently, I realized that it is time for me to start considering what I should do now that my kids are getting older and more than capable of taking care of themselves for a couple hours after school so that I can work. For awhile, I was planning on becoming a History teacher, leading me to work towards a Master's Degree in History and eventually a teaching certificate. That was before my state decided to cut the budgets and propose drastic changes to the University system. I don't blame anyone, but it was clear that I waited too long and that teaching is just not in the cards for me. Wasting money on tuition for an education that will put me in a very long line of younger and more qualified teachers seemed useless. So, after much discussion with my husband and Professors, it seemed like it would be best for me to let that dream go and find a regular job that would bring in an income.
I have found a job! I will talk about that job in a couple months when I start. But, I will say that while it is not a dream job, it will be a good job. I will have a little flexibility and my husband is more than willing to help with half the house and kid work now that I am going to be just as employed as he is.
I am very excited to be starting a new chapter in my life. It is time and I am ready to go. That being said though, I am sad today. I am leaving a retail job where I made some great friends and where I had fun. I will miss everyone there and I am sure there will be days when I regret my decision. But, I am hopeful those days will be few and far between. Today, I am moving on with my life. For the next 2 months I will get my house in order, sign the kids up for camps that will keep them busy over the summer, make all those appointments that need to be done, and spend as much time as I can with my kids before it is time for me to join the ranks of the full time working mom.