Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Catchy title, huh?  Or a bit cliche?  No matter what you may think, spring has sprung in our neck of the woods this week.  Our little bit of sunshine could not have come at a better time. The kids are home for Spring Break this week, so the cooperation from Mother Nature has been greatly appreciated.

I decided to take advantage of the sunshine today and use it as a dryer.  Nothing smells better then sheets that have line dried in mother natures free dryer.  It is usually around May that I begin to dry the majority of my laundry outside.  Line drying is free!  Nothing could be more frugal and earth friendly.  I have also read that the sun is a natural antiseptic.  I don't know if that is true, but if it is, another great reason to line dry.  I will be the first to admit that it can be hassle. Countless loads of laundry have been left outside, forgotten, rained on and rewashed. I will try to improve on this year, but make no promises.  I find that making promises just leads to disappointment when some go unfulfilled.

While outside today, I saw that my tulips and daffodils are ready to bloom.  What  beautiful flowers, sadly only in bloom for a short time each year.  I make the most of it while I can keeping most outside to enjoy in their natural state.  But, I do bring some inside to keep in a vase.  Happily, I know that with summer just around the corner, more flowers will be in bloom shortly.

Our weather was in the 70's today.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Like I said before, a perfect day.  My kids were hard to persuade to go outside early in the day.  Spring break has a tendency of making kids want to sleep later than they should, followed by watching mindless cartoons on TV.  Since they had been busy with the grandparents for a few days, I allowed a little TV watching and then threw them outside.  I was so pleased when they informed me of their plans to go into the woods near our house and build a fort.  How nice to hear those words.  We live in such a modern age.  Computers, television and video games seem to be the only thing that kids want to do.  When I hear my kids doing something that I would have done, I realize that I am doing something right after all.  My kids are certainly plugged in, but, we do try to regulate it during the week.  Lately, we have been allowing more technology than I am comfortable with, I think it is time to reevaluate what is appropriate.

Today made me excited for summer vacation.  I look forward to spending time watching my kids play and swim.  I also look forward to spending time reading alone in the backyard, sleeping in and spending time with husband (probably gardening).  We have so much to look forward to and to be grateful for.

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