I have 3 kids in grade school. In a given week, we receive the normal amount of homework, no complaints from me on that. But, in addition to the homework and work sheets, I receive countless reams of papers in duplicate. Newsletters X 3, school lunch menu X 3, PTA Newsletters X 3, Scholastic Order Forms X 3. Need I continue? Probably not. I also get a never ending supply of permission slips for field trips, Brownie and Girl Scout Newsletters and flyer's for every kid centered activity in the metro area. Enough already! I am trying to teach my kids the importance of conserving our natural resources and recycling. How can I effectively convey my message of being conscientious of what we waste when their own school sends home paper like it costs nothing, both monetarily and environmentally?
I find it especially frustrating that I receive this paper in triplicate in April of all times, isn't this the month that we celebrate Earth Day after all? While I write this blog, being motivated by pure frustration, I am staring at, you guessed it, paper! Tonight, I have to go through several field trip permission slips and quietly throw away the third scholastic book order form that I have received in a week. I have to do that quietly because my daughter is convinced that she needs the slumber party fun kit to complete her life. It is after all only $19.99.
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