Sunday, May 3, 2009

Family Meals

I have a new favorite cook book.  It is called Family Meals:Creating Traditions in the Kitchen. The recipes in this book are great!  

What I really like about this book is the fact that the recipes incorporate whole, local foods into the recipes.    While I feed my family healthy, organic food, I also feed them the food that I love. This book provides many recipes for family favorites, emphasizing the local foods that we love.

Another great aspect of this book is the fact that is was created to make cooking a family event. The recipes are written so that children can also participate in the cooking process.  The meals are  kid friendly, something that all us parents can appreciate.  As we all know, feeding children healthy meals can prove to be a great challenge.  Fortunately, I have been blessed with 3 great eaters.  My daughter will not eat meat (vegetarian) and my son will not eat cheese (what is with that, we live in Wisconsin!), I can say those are our only limitations when I plan meals.  I know it sounds tough, but my daughter has learned to eat all the sides and skip the meat when I decide to make meat meal.  My son, has learned to either pick off the cheese, or I dish his food before cheese is added to a recipe.  We have all had to adapt to these dietary restrictions, but I have very little to complain about.

This particular book also helps me stay in touch with my frugal side.  The recipes call for ingredients that are relatively cheap and tend to be pantry staples like flour, eggs, sugar, etc. Using the recipes that require produce will yield cheap results if you use these recipes while the produce is in season.  I plan on taking a closer look at this book this week so I can figure out what will be a good buy in the coming months.

I guess today's blog turned into a book review.  Oh well, I love the book and I am happy to give it a great big thumbs up.  Happy cooking!!

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