Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Updates

Postcards received so far, 70! Over the weekend the kids received 5 more cards from Poland, 3 from Pennsylvania, 1 from Wisconsin and 1 from Jamaica. As of today, we have received a grand total of 19 cards from Poland alone. If the trend continues, I can assume that Poland will win the prize for most postcards!

It was a busy weekend, for me that is. Saturday I had to work and Sunday I went to a wedding. My dear husband had to be a single, full time parent this weekend. Not only did he do a great job with the kids, but he also made dinner both nights. He used ingredients on hand, utilizing the vegetables from our CSA box. In fact, he deserves some kind of award for being a great cook this weekend. This week's box had kale in it, we HATE kale. My creative husband found a recipe that called for crisping the kale on the grill with sea salt. The result was delicious, almost addictive like potato chips. My kids were even impressed, leaving no left behind kale on their plates. An amazing accomplishment in my opinion for children. Good job, Eric. He was also able to make beets edible. I will not compare the beets to the delicious kale, but I was able to eat the beets without gagging. I must sound like a picky eater, I am not in fact. I just do not like the following: beets, brussels sprouts, kale, swiss chard and peas. Otherwise, I like vegetables. It just seems that these vegetables always arrive in the same box and I find myself forced to cook with an ingredient I hate. It is very hard to do that because I don't want my kids to pick up on dislike. However, I draw the line at brussels sprouts, I won't eat them, period!

The kids had another weekend at home. They swam in our pool and played with the kids in the neighborhood. When Sunday night arrived, all 3 of them fell in to bed, ready for sleep. This week is going to be busy. We end summer school, start gymnastics camp and will be preparing for a weekend at a friends cottage next weekend. No complaints from me though. This is week number 6 without hearing "I'm bored".

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