Friday, January 22, 2010

Frugal Acts - 1/9/10-1/22/10

So, I have been pretty busy the last 9 days. I meant to blog every night, but found myself doing something else before turning for the night. I do have a list of things we have done over the last 2 weeks to save money.

1. Used coupons! Several of them in fact.

2. Used cold water for every load of laundry.

3. Paid off all credit cards in full this month, avoiding finance charges.

4. Paid extra on our Home Equity Loan.

5. Used the library

6. Allowed magazines subscriptions to lapse

7. Kept to my grocery budget

8. Used, read my blog about that for explanation

9. Ate leftovers for dinner 2 nights.

10. Doubled recipes for dinner and froze half for future meals.

Well, that is about it for frugal acts. I am proud of my progress, but find I can improve a little bit.

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