Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saving Water

I am still here. Last week brought me sick kids 3 days, a pretty major clog in our plumbing and your normal life stuff.

When we had our plumbing fixed, we were told that our septic system is nearing the end of it's life. We knew this, but ignored the fact a bit. So, the plan is to "baby" the system until we can hook up to the city sewer. According to the guy who fixed things on Wednesday, if we limit the water and have the system pumped every 4 months we should be fine until the city allows us to hook up. So, we have decided to embrace the challenge. We are doing the following in an effort to save the system:

1. 2 minute showers. We have a timer. The kids are excited and trying to see how fast the can shower.

2. Water is not to be running when we are brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.

3. Water softener water is being redirected to drain directly outside. So is the humidifier.

4. I am going to use the laundromat for SOME of our laundry.

5. Dishwasher is being run only when full

6. Toilets have been fixed so that nothing leaks.

7. Toilets are not always being flushed.

That is all we could come up with. If anyone has other ideas. PLEASE forward them. We need all the advice we can get. I think that in the end this will prove to be a good exercise. We are going to really learn how to save water, save money and probably save a system that will eventually be replaced by a city system.

1 comment:

  1. wow - that sounds like a challenge, but good for you and your family for making it fun! I don't have any more advice for you beyond what you are doing but I do have lots of good wishes! you can do this!

    if it's yellow, let it mellow
    when it's brown, flush it down
