Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I recently watched the movie Julie and Julia. I loved it! I am a foodie at heart. It is very surprising in all honesty because as a child I was a very picky eater. My parents can confirm that I am sure. The only vegetable I would eat was raw carrots. I would not touch anything with an onion, celery or anything crunchy for that matter. Peas, well, if my dad reads this post, I am sure he will chuckle when remembering my fierce stubbornness when refusing to eat peas. To this day I remember standing over a toilet getting ready to drop the one brussels sprout I was given at dinner, only to have my dad walk into the bathroom and stop me. As I grew up I started to taste the foods I feared and found I loved them. Cheeses, vegetables (brussels sprouts, peas and kale excluded), exotic fruits and whole grains became a part of my diet. I can in all honesty say I will eat almost anything given to me, heck, I ate black pudding in Scotland. For those who know what that is, you will know it is not a picky eaters dream food. I love to eat!

After watching Julie and Julia I went to the bookstore the next day and bought the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Tonight I made Boeuf Bourguignon for dinner. It was a hit, time consuming but relatively easy. We had a salad, french bread and red wine with it. It felt like a perfect French dinner. I of course picked out every pearl onion that landed on my plate, I still HATE onions. It felt like a perfect meal tonight. Late this afternoon we were interviewed and accepted to host a French foreign exchange student for the summer. We are very excited about it.

Hosting the exchange student was my son's idea. He gets so excited about opportunities like these. He will put his heart and soul into it and will make it such a fun experience for the boy we host. My list of summer fun ideas is a mile long. My husband pointed out that I will have to shorten it a bit. The representative that we talked to tonight even told me that I need to give him some down time. I will. I just want to show this boy all the fun things that are available while he is in our country. So far my list includes:
Brewers Game
Chicago (Field Museum, Planetarium, etc)
Twin Cities (Mall of America)
Swimming Lake Michigan
Great America
Door County Wisconsin
Wisconsin Dells
Bowling (a requirement if visiting Wisconsin) and a brat
Museums in Milwaukee (art, public and Harley Davidson Museum)
As one can see, my list is long, and it is only partial. I fear that child will need a vacation from his vacation when he gets home. It is only February and I am so looking forward to summer. We will have family adventure and it will be warm.

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