Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19 - Exfoliate

I have had problems with dry skin and eczema since the birth of my second child in 1999. It is not uncommon for me to have such bad eczema on my hands that I am unable to cut fruits and vegetables that are acidic. My hands are often cracked and bleeding, with dry patches that are just plain gross to look at. It has been an embarrassment and I had always been at a loss of what to do.

A couple years ago, I went to see my dermatologist, again, to beg for a stronger prescription. I was told that I really was maxed out and that I couldn't have a stronger steroid to get it under control. He told me that when I get a flare up I have to get it under control right away or else it will get worse. For a couple years I used the steroid cream, eucerin, aveno, and the aveda hand relief. None of these worked to my satisfaction until I found a trick, recommended to me by someone who was giving me a manicure. She told me to exfoliate my skin at least once a week. She told me that I need to get the dry skin off my body in order to get the dry skin under control. I tried it and it worked! I exfoliated once a week and used an over the counter moisturizer after showering. That was it, no more steroids or weird lotions. Last winter I was symptom free and this winter I have been symptom free because I make this my daily routine.

I bought myself a pair of exfoliating gloves and use them every morning in the shower. My hands have never gone so long without eczema. I just have to remember to do this everyday, probably for the rest of my life in order to keep symptoms away. It is becoming a habit, I hope I can keep it that way.

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