Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68 - Clean Out The Email

Today will be a continuation from yesterday's blog. I am trying to get a hold of the chaos that is my email. Which in all honesty is pretty funny, given that I don't have a full time job, meaning I don't have work email to bog me down. But, I get a healthy dose of email that is in the form of advertisements and solicitations. Occasionally I get something that I need to attend to like Brownie or Soccer email. But, for the most part, it is all junk.

So, one might ask why do I have over 2,100 emails? Well, that would be my fear that I might need that Sports Authority coupon someday or maybe the latest email from the DNC will be needed. (Okay, so I let the cat out the bag, I am a Democrat, but that is beside the point.) I need to start getting rid of the junk. I have done just that, I am letting some of it go, in fact in the last 24 hours I have deleted 1,000 emails from my mail box. I feel very liberated and at the same time scared that I will need something that I so thoughtlessly deleted in haste. The countless coupons from Justice that I get EVERY WEEK might go to waste. I even found over 20 emails from parents of the children in my daughter's Brownie troop about the cookie sale that happened last year! I am just finishing up this year's cookie sale. One has to ask "what the hell is wrong with me?" Clearly, I have a problem.

My goal for the next few days is to go through the rest of my email and get rid of the junk. I would like to start with an EMPTY mailbox and start over again. I think that it would feel very liberating to start fresh.

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