Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 115 - Save Money, Wash Hair Less

This has been on my to do list since January 1. I was inspired by a friend of mine who is also writing a blog, she wrote about washing hair less often as well a couple days ago. For a long time I have known that it is not a good idea to wash your hair everyday. The simple truth is that washing too much dries your hair out. This is a task that I have tried on and off again for several years with little success because I get frustrated.

When you wash your hair you wash away the oils that give it moisture. Therefore drying it out. I find though that because I wash it everyday, I can't ever miss a day because my hair gets so oily. I am not letting things work naturally on my head because I am too impatient to let nature take it's course. In other words, the only way my hair will stop getting so oily after one day will be to allow it get oily and eventually self regulate so to speak.

For the next month, I am going to try this again. Wash every other day and see what happens. I am sure that by month's end I will find that my hair is not getting oily after one day. Also, I am betting that I am going to save some money as well. Half the washing means half the shampoo and conditioner being used. My bank account will thank me.

In case you are wondering, here is a link to my friend's post about the same topic:

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