Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 129 - Organize The Family Calendar

I woke up early this morning and decided that it would be the perfect time to organize the family calendar. This is a chore that I need to keep up with. With 3 kids in countless activities, school obligations, social stuff and work related info, a calendar is our lifeline. Usually I can keep everything in my head. I am convinced that the reason I forget so many other things is I am using brain space for our calendar.

I stress that I usually remember everything. Last week I forgot something, making me realize that I really have to have it all in one location. I forgot to take my daughter to her soccer practice. It was not the end of the world, the coach understood. But, I was embarrassed that I had made such an oversight. We have something going on EVERY night. I knew that it was odd that I had nowhere to go that night. I had a feeling something was missing, I just couldn't figure it out. Of course, had it been on the calendar, we would have made it.

I am going to start making it a priority to sit down once a week and fill in the calendar. We have such a busy life that I need to make that small step to make it just a little bit easier.

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