Today I finally got the oil changed on my car, with a coupon! I am still trying to find ways to include frugality into my blogs. While I have been trying to organize and clean my house, I have also been trying to keep my car cleaned and organized. It is always a
challenge. While it seems like it should be an easy, no
brainer to change the oil regularly, I find that it is not always easy to find the time. Today, when my daughter was at her math tutor, I found the time.
The place where I got the oil changed insists that it still needs to be done every 3,500 miles. I have heard from several places, the dealership where we bought my car included, that every 6,000 miles is fine. In fact, the oil change light on my car doesn't go on until 7,500 miles and that was set by Toyota. So, I think I will be continuing to go with the manufacturers recommendation, not the retailer who wants more money.
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