Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 153 - Replace Junk Food With Fruit

Today I am going to start having a piece of fruit every time I have an urge to have some junk food. I guess I better stock up on fruit! I am making this lifestyle change for 2 important reasons.

1. I want to increase my daily fruit consumption

2. I want to decrease my daily junk food consumption.

I love fruit, so it seems like this might be an easy change. But, I have to be honest, there are certain junk foods that I do love. Let me start by saying that the person who thought to cut a potato and deep fry it is a genius. Enough said.

Today I plan on going to the grocery store and stocking up on a lot of fruit. I need to take the time to cut the berries and melon and put it into Tupperware for convenience sake. That way when I want it, it is ready to go.

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