Sunday, June 28, 2009

My part time job

I have a "very" part time job. I work at our local Yankee Candle Company store. During the school year I clock between 10 and 20 hours per week. During the holidays I work closer to 20 hours, during the rest of the school year I average 10 hours. My wage does not pay the mortgage. In fact, if my husband were to lose his job, we would be homeless very quickly if we had to rely on my income.

One might ask why I work in retail. I have a college degree, I could make more money, I am reliable, blah, blah, blah. My credentials sound like a list of strengths I would list off during an interview. I work retail because the job I have gives me the freedom and flexibility to do the most important job I will ever have, being a mom. My manager knows that my responsibilities to my family will always take precedence over my responsibilities at work. She has given me a flexible schedule that allows me to be home when my kids are home, I have Saturdays off for soccer games, I work very few Sundays, I have never worked an evening, school functions that require my attendance are never questioned and I know I can call in sick when I have a sick child. The best benefit of all though, I take the summer off for the most part. I work an occasional Sunday to keep my employment status active. In my present life, these are the only benefits I need from a job.

In all honesty, the income I receive from this job is not the reason I work though. Yes, the check I get every week helps with the bills. In this economy, every dime counts. The reason I work is so that I have a reason to leave my house a few days a week after my kids get on the school bus. I am able to go to a job that provides me with adult conversation and fun. Yes, my job is fun. When I go home, I am able to leave my job at the mall. I don't think about it when I am home, I don't stress about it, I have never gotten a phone call about a job related problem. Like I said it is perfect for my life, now.

Writing this blog tonight does make me realize, yet again, that in a few short years my children will not need me as much. At some point, I am going to have to put that college degree to use, and get a job that provides the benefits of more pay and a retirement plan. But, until then, I will be thankful for what I have, I full time job as a mother and a part time job in retail. What could be better?

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