Today I have a lot of updates to things I have talked about in previous blogs. To start, an update to the post card project I talked about several weeks ago. To date, my kids have received 52 postcards from around the world. They have gotten cards from Italy, France, Poland, England, Spain, Mexico, Grand Cayman and Jamaica. States on the list are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Utah, Vermont and Wisconsin. Multiple cards have come from the same locations. My kids look forward to getting the mail everyday, which is a plus. They are also learning a lot about geography and history while finding the locations on the map. Our hope is to receive a card from every state and to receive a card from the 6 habitable continents. Thank you to the family and friends out there who have participated. We have also received cards from strangers who have heard about our project. Our goal is 250 cards by Labor Day. I think it is an attainable goal.
The next update, my son does not have poison ivy. He has the worst case of hives I have ever seen. That is saying a lot since my daughter had a dairy allergy until age 7 and hives were a common symptom in her life. Alec's back and stomach is one great big hive. I took him to Urgent Care and the doctor he saw was not concerned, so I dosed him up with some Benadryl and I am hoping for the best. The cause of the crazy hives is unknown.
My final update, a return to frugal meals. Tonight I made a fantastic dinner, potato tacos. Instead of meat I diced up some potatoes, fried them in olive oil, added taco seasoning and served the tacos on whole grain tortillas. It was delicious, even my carnivore son was happy with the results. It was cheap and it was easy to cook. Best of all, it was a healthy meal for the family.
Now, I am hoping to get the kids to bed a little bit earlier than usual tonight for I hear a bubble bath calling my name. Good night.
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