Friday, July 10, 2009

New Puppy

We bought a new puppy. A black lab mix that we found at the humane society.

Several weeks ago I wrote a blog about our dog Max who we had to euthanize. A gut wrenching decision for anyone who has ever had to make the decision to put down a dog. A few short weeks ago I was so distraught by the loss of our dog, I thought it would take months to get myself into the place of wanting a new dog. But the cliche holds true, time heals all wounds. While I will never forget Max, I recently found myself ready to add a new dog to the family. Enter our new dog, Odinn.

It has only been 24 hours since Odinn joined our family, but he is fitting in well. He is very calm for a puppy. Cuddly and eager to show affection to all of us. The only family member who is annoyed by the new puppy is our Golden Retriever, Stella. Stella enjoyed being the Princess in the house for 7 short weeks, she truly liked being an only dog. Last night, in a fit of anger she ran out of the house and broke through the invisible fence. A mistake she most likely will not make again. After a jolt, she returned to the yard, ran into the house and implanted her butt in a corner of the family room. I am so grateful for the invisible fence, as inhumane as they may seem, she would have run away. She is a runner, the fence was finally installed after we had grown tired of running around the neighborhood screaming "Stella". I am sure neighbors thought we were reenacting the famous scene in A Streetcar Named Desire or even an episode of Seinfeld.

Look for future pictures of both dogs, as I am sure they will become best friends soon. Have a great weekend.

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