Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61 - Eat Greek Yogurt

My husband and I eat Greek yogurt every day. We both love the taste of it. I think that it so creamy that it is like eating dessert! Eating Greek yogurt has many health benefits, they are:

1. It has twice as much protein as regular yogurt. A plus for me as I have exercising and lifting weights several times a week.

2. Greek yogurt has 50% less sodium than regular yogurt.

3. It has less lactose than regular yogurt, making it easier to digest. This is why I can eat it without any stomach problems. This makes me very happy because I was very afraid I was going to have to give up this favorite food when it became clear I am lactose intolerant.

4. It is very versatile. Because of it thickness it can be used in place of sour cream.

5. It is very filling. Because of it thick texture, it will fill you up.

I am a very big fan of Greek yogurt, I can't remember the last time I went a day without eating it. The disadvantage is that it is pricey, about $1.50/cup. So, my husband and I eating 1 cup each per day adds up, fast. I have found the brand we like at Target a little cheaper, so I stock up when I am shopping. But, I have found that this one item I am not willing to give up.

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