Thursday, April 15, 2010

Frugal Acts - April 6-April 15

1. Leftover night. The choices that night were leftover homemade pizza or leftover chana masala.

2. Made homemade pizza crust for pizza night. We also decided to forgo pizza parlor pizza and try make your own. CHEAP!

3. Signed my kids up for summer school through the school district, cost is $10/class for 4 weeks.

4. Turned the heat off, let's see how long we can keep it off. Wouldn't it be nice if it could stay off until November?

5. Again, I did all of our laundry in cold water. I have not seen a change in our utility bill yet.

6. Had my brows waxed for $10 at an Aveda Salon. If I donated $10 to the Clean Water Campaign, brows were done for free. Let me emphasize that my Italian eyebrows require maintenance and that frugality is not an option. If they go long enough, my husband calls me Bert, from Sesame Street.

7. Used some really good coupons at Pottery Barn and Eddie Bauer. Very deep discounts.

8. Made homemade cookies for my daughter's class, she had a Cultural Fair. I almost bought pre made because I was short on time.

9. Bills paid on time and taxes are done.

10. Phasing cable out, Hulu and Netflix are connected. The big cable disconnection will be very soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mosaic Superhero

My son's latest art project. I think he is a budding artist.

Spring in Pictures

Finally awake after a long winter sleep.

My son playing basketball, his new love.

My favorite wreath out for the summer.

Daffodils in bloom.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Frugal Deal

I recently received 2 coupons from Pottery Barn. One was $25 off a $50 purchase. The second was a $25 reward coupon for any purchase. So, feeling Springy, I went to Pottery Barn looking for something with flowers and bright. This is what I found. Original price was $53.73. I paid $3.78. Of course the original price is way overpriced, but my price is perfect!!