Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7th, 2010

I forgot to take pictures of tonight's "local" dinner. So you will have to imagine what it looked like.

Vegetable Soup - all the vegetables came from OUR garden! I added a can of kidney beans, some elbow macaroni and Parmesan cheese. Obviously, the pasta and beans were purchased before we started our challenge.

Challah Bread - homemade, by my husband. Refer to last night's picture

Fruit Crisp - fruit purchased before the challenge started, but I believe the fruit came from local orchards. The butter was local. The oatmeal, sugar and flour were not local, but purchased before challenge began.

As of tonight, we are out of sugar (except for about 1/4 cup). I ran out of brown sugar last week, and know that the flour will run out before the end of the month. I am also out of canola oil. I am going to need to find substitutions for these ingredients that I can find locally. PLEASE, if anyone has recommendations, I need them ASAP!!

The refrigerator is looking kind of empty, I plan on going to our local Co-op before the end of the week. Coincidentally, our co-op is sponsoring this challenge in the month of September, I had no idea that they were going to be starting this the same day we decided to start. The upside to this is that they will have the food labeled as local! Score!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tonight's Meal and Updates

My husband made dinner tonight. I had to work, so he took responsibility for that chore. Our dinner was the following:

Vegetarian Chili over Rice
Chicken Breast
Water or Milk

The chili was frozen from a previous meal and the chicken was local. The rice came from our stockpile in the pantry.

Eric also made 2 loaves of Challah bread while I was at work. Challah makes the BEST french toast!!

Tomorrow will be spent at home, finally! I worked this weekend, which is fine. I like my job and the extra money is always nice. Especially, when the school year begins and the expenses are so high. My plans for tomorrow include making zucchini bread, vegetable soup out of leftover vegetables in the refrigerator and peach/plum crisp.

Now, time to finish watching the The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion while drinking my nightly cup of tea. Then, time for bed to read my latest book, "Sophie's Choice".

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dinner 9/5/10

Pictures and links to the recipes from tonight's dinner. Let me start by saying that the carrot soup was fantastic!! The website where I found the recipe is below. I want to also mention that I would not have found that recipe if not for the blog that I follow Rockin Granola, you can find that blog in the list of blogs I follow.

We used zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, carrots and herbs from our own garden for both the bread and the soup. The soup was WONDERFUL beyond belief!! I skipped the celery because we didn't have any, so I just added some extra carrots.


September 1st my family started the local food challenge. My doing this challenge, we commit to eating foods that are produced within a 300 mile radius. We all agree that we should probably lower that a bit, probably 100 miles, but at least we are starting somewhere. So far we have been successful, it is only the 5th though. Vegetables have come from our garden, meats from a local farmers market (or frozen from our freezer from a previous grocery run). Our dairy is always local, in fact that has never been an issue for us. Everything else, I read the label to verify where produced. We did all try to come up with one thing that we can't give up. Here is what we have come up with.

Eric- has not told me, but he bought Vodka on Friday, so I guess that is
Me- Coffee
Alec- peanut butter
Hannah- Annie's Mac and Cheese
Maeghan- yogurt that we get at Trader Joes

Tonight's dinner is going to be Cream of Tomato Soup and Zucchini bread, mostly from our garden.

The rest of week proved to bring excitement into the house. The kids started school. I now have 2 kids in middle school. They just keep getting older, the sad thing is that the older they get, the older I get. With the start of school, we see the start of band (more instruments to practice), sports and after school activities. I will also be starting a class on Wednesday and I increased my hours at work. So much to do, so little time! Here are some pictures of the first day of school.