Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 64-Help My Daughter Organize

I have 3 children and all 3 of them are very unorganized! My son, Alec, seems to thrive in his state of chaos. He really is one of those people who does best when his room is a mess and nothing is in it's place, and that is fine. My youngest, Maeghan, is still too young to get a true reading on as far as organization is concerned. She is in 3rd grade and does well in school, so only time will tell if that state of chaos has an effect on her school work. My middle child, Hannah, lives in a lot of chaos and it shows. When her level of chaos is at it's worst, it is reflected in her grades and her ability to get her work done on time. This almost always leads to a heated argument that ends in her slamming a door and me wondering why I allowed myself to get pulled into yet another useless argument.

Recently we have decided to start trying to change things. Hannah's teachers are helping her out with organizing her work and I am helping her out at home. We are in the process of completely organizing her room, cleaning out her closet, emptying dresser drawers, shelves and cleaning her desk. With school related stuff her backpack has been emptied, we set up a huge binder for her work and made a spot for her agenda. Over the course of the week, we are going to start creating a schedule that will her better her time management skills. I am hopeful that with these changes we will see an improvement in her school work.

I am helping her make these changes for me as much as for her. Hannah and I have a tendency to lock horns over these issues. She is a very unorganized person, and that is fine, it is who she is. But, the fact of the matter is that our constant bickering over these issues is making it harder for me to become the happier and healthier person that I wish to become.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 63 - Stay Out Of Family Issues That Are Not My Own

This is a hard one. Being married means you take on problems that are not necessarily your own. Over the years I have allowed myself to be swallowed up by a family drama that was there before I married into it and will be there when I am gone.

Recently I have decided that if it does not pertain to my nuclear family or to my relatives, meaning my parents, aunts, uncles, etc, than it is not my problem. This decision is not very popular and is causing more drama. But, I don't care. There, I said it, I don't care. I am happy and healthier for it and I will not change my mind. I have my own life and family. With those things come day to day problems that are my own, but whatever does not pertain to me, will not effect me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 62 - Get A New Light Fixture

When my husband and I bought our house over 10 years ago, we knew we had fixer upper on our hands. Over the years we have done a lot of remodeling and upgrades to our home. One thing that has been on our list since day 1 was a new light fixture for the dining room.

I need to emphasize that the light fixture we had was truly the UGLIEST light fixture, ever! Without a doubt it was that bad. But, it was something I kept putting on the back burner because they don't seem that important. Over the years I had tried to improve it's look by adding little lamp shades to the fake candles (don't ask), I thought about painting it and I told myself that it was vintage and would eventually become very stylish. I was wrong, it was a look that never was meant to be, and like bell bottoms from the 70's, never going to come back.

Today, I had my new fixture installed and that little task on my to do list is gone. I love my new fixture! It is very stylish and goes with the rest of the remodeling we have done. It feels like Christmas in our home tonight. I got a present and I am very happy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61 - Eat Greek Yogurt

My husband and I eat Greek yogurt every day. We both love the taste of it. I think that it so creamy that it is like eating dessert! Eating Greek yogurt has many health benefits, they are:

1. It has twice as much protein as regular yogurt. A plus for me as I have exercising and lifting weights several times a week.

2. Greek yogurt has 50% less sodium than regular yogurt.

3. It has less lactose than regular yogurt, making it easier to digest. This is why I can eat it without any stomach problems. This makes me very happy because I was very afraid I was going to have to give up this favorite food when it became clear I am lactose intolerant.

4. It is very versatile. Because of it thickness it can be used in place of sour cream.

5. It is very filling. Because of it thick texture, it will fill you up.

I am a very big fan of Greek yogurt, I can't remember the last time I went a day without eating it. The disadvantage is that it is pricey, about $1.50/cup. So, my husband and I eating 1 cup each per day adds up, fast. I have found the brand we like at Target a little cheaper, so I stock up when I am shopping. But, I have found that this one item I am not willing to give up.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60 - Drink Pomegranate Juice

I am drinking Pomegranate juice everyday. I love the taste of it and while it is expensive, I believe the health benefits make up for the cost. Here is a list of some of the benefits of Pomegranate juice:

1. Can help prevent osteoarthritis
2. Can help protect your arteries
3. May help in the prevention of Alzheimer's. Refer to an earlier post about my fear of getting this disease.
4. Lower cholesterol
5. Lowers blood pressure
6. May prevent dental plaque
7. Fights breast cancer
8. Lung cancer prevention. I don't smoke, but I live in an area with a lot of radon. So, I need to be aware of this cancer.

There are other benefits that are irrelevant to me, but I will post them anyway:

1. Keeps PSA levels stable. Since I am not a man, I don't need to worry about this benefit.
2. Slows prostate cancer - again, not a man, so no prostate here.
3. Protects the neonatal brain. No more babies in my future.

I have a glass of pomegranate juice every morning with my breakfast. I always feel very healthy after having my daily glass. I will continue to drink it daily, hoping that the health benefits that I keep reading about are in fact true.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59 - Enjoy Guilty Pleasure TV

I know I mentioned last night that I would talk about dietary changes today. I lied. Tonight Bravo TV introduces "Bethany Ever After". Yippee! I am not a big TV watcher, but I love the Bravo TV reality shows, I can't help myself. They make me happy.

Tonight I am going to watch Bethany without feeling any guilt. I need to let myself do that more often. I let myself feel guilty for enjoying myself, which doesn't make any sense. It is one hour per week of TV watching that I truly look forward to and enjoy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58 - Take A Long, Hot Bubble Bath

Tonight I am going to take a bubble bath with some lavender bubble bath I bought. I tend to avoid baths because we have to conserve water. Since we have a septic system that is ready to fail, we don't use a lot of water. But, tonight I am going to throw caution to the wind a take a much needed bath.

Sometimes I just need to relax and unwind, Sunday night is the best time for that. No, weekends are not generally stressful. But, I was a bit stressed with my son flying for the first time, alone. He made it home safely. Now it is time to unwind.

I like to use my lavender bubble bath because it also helps me sleep. Very well in fact. I am a big fan of lavender, especially in my tub.

Tomorrow I plan on starting to focus on more dietary changes to my diet that I have implemented but not talked about yet. This week did tend to be more about mental health. But, I know that it is time to start focusing on my nutritional health again. Good night everyone!