Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

I didn't think that I would write about this subject even a week ago.  But, due to the constant news coverage and my daughter, who is a perpetual worrier, I feel that I need to write something. Just for my own benefit.

I understand that the swine flu has the potential of becoming a dangerous pandemic.  I would never think of trivializing the fact that it has not only infected several hundred people, it has also resulted in the death of others, children included.  That is in itself a tragedy that should not be ignored or over looked.  However, after talking to my daughter tonight, a girl who is only 10, I realize that this is an example of the media going too far. She is terrified of getting this flu.  Convinced, that she is doomed and that the problem cannot be contained.  I need to emphasize that she has not watched T.V. all week.  What she is hearing is the fear of her classmates who have information overload.  These are young children who are discussing at length the potential of a flu pandemic.  One of her classmates was wearing his sweatshirt over his face today on the bus because he is scared of getting the flu.

When I explained to her that the flu has proved to be mild in this country, so far, and that medicine exists to help those infected, she freaked out more.   Why?  Because she is also afraid of needles.  I told her I did not think that Tamiflu was given in shot form and that she should not worry about.  So, in the end instead of alleviating one worry, I created a second.  Now, she is worrying about swine flu and shots.  I can't win.

I guess my point is this, we need to be careful about what our children see and hear.  My 3 children do not have the ability to process the information that they are hearing at school.  My daughter is scared, and she has every right to be.  She is not hearing the whole story, she is hearing what her classmates are interpreting from the T.V.  I really think that the media has given this subject too much coverage. It has been all flu, all the time.  I am not saying that I think that is not worthy of news coverage, it absolutely is.  But, some balance is necessary. Especially, when one considers that so much of our daily lives are uncertain in regards to the economy.   No matter how much I filter it for my children, it still seeps in to their lives and I have to calm their fears.  This is to big of a problem for little shoulders to carry.  

Thank you, I will climb off my soap box now and return to frugality tomorrow.

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