Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I hear this over and over again from friends, "I never return anything, it is embarrassing!" Well, I disagree with that statement for a few reasons.

First of all, it is a waste of resources to purchase something, never use it and eventually throw it away. For example, today I returned a swim cap that my daughter will never use. It was still in it's packaging, not used and sitting on my desk for weeks. I returned it today for the $10.00 I paid for it a few weeks ago. The fact of the matter is, had I not returned it, it would have sat on my desk probably until Christmas (much to my husband's dismay)at which time I would have shoved it into a cabinet to sit for a couple of years, only to be thrown away at some point. What a waste of the time and energy it took to produce the cap and to ship this product from China! Instead, return it so that it will be used by someone else.

The second reason I return items is due to dissatisfaction. Recently, I bought a pair of sandals that I loved. I got them home started wearing them only to find out that the straps were digging into the soles of my feet. They were the most uncomfortable shoes I have ever worn. With every step, I felt like I was walking on a pebble. Not what I bargained for when I paid $25.00 for a pair of shoes. I took them back to the point of purchase with receipt in hand and received a refund. Nobody should ever have to keep a product that they are not satisfied with.

Finally, return unused items to save money. If someone buys a product thinking they need it, only to find out that it is unnecessary, it should be returned. Otherwise, it is money being thrown away. No matter how small the purchase may seem, every dime adds up. After a year of returning items that are not needed, you can see a significant savings. Letting something sit because you are embarrassed to return it is silly, let someone else get enjoyment from that item.

Let me end by saying that I DO NOT support purchasing things for a special occasion, using it and returning it. I would not do that. I just say if you don't need it, return it and count the savings.

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