Sunday, August 16, 2009

Postcard update since my last post, we are at 87 cards. The kids received one yesterday from Bangkok Thailand. Again, from someone I do not know, the word is getting out about our project.

Now, on to the grocery bill. So far for this month, I have spent $124.00. The benefits of the garden and the CSA have finally paid off!! We are overflowing with produce. Tonight my husband harvested potatoes, onions, shallots, tomatoes and broccoli. That is for tonight only. We have watermelon and cantaloupe from the CSA to cover our fruit for the week. We have pounds of peppers, tomatoes, carrots, beans and zucchini for the week. Along with this bounty we have a huge bag of flour and rice. Not to mentions pounds of garbanzo, kidney and black beans. Our meals have been extremely simple, but so tasty and healthy. My kids have not complained and our budget is so happy. I really feel like we are doing something good for us and the planet.

Tonight my husband made an Indian dish made of garbanzo beans, tomatoes, garlic and onions. He made rice to put the beans on and homemade bread. Very frugal. So often, he inspires me to try something new, I almost always like what he has made.

Tomorrow we go school shopping with my mother in law. She is very generous to help with the school clothes, with 3 kids it can be expensive. Every little bit helps.

Off to watch Mad Men now. Have a good night.

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