Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11- Buy New Workout Shoes

Today I bought myself a new pair of workout shoes. That purchase could not have been made a moment too soon. Sometimes, I have a tendency to use things out to the point of being absolutely useless. The shoes have been working out in were worn out and disgusting. It was time for a change.

My hips and back have been bothering me off and on for awhile. I knew it was due to my shoes, but the frugal side of me kept saying "you can get one more workout in those shoes". I knew it was time for a change when I was without hip or back pain while on vacation, only to find myself in pain Monday morning after my work out.

What I have read from different sources has said the same thing, when the soles are deteriorating, it is time for new shoes. This breakdown is hard on the joints and back, just not worth saving an extra few dollars. My rule for these new shoes will be to only wear them in the house, never outside. That way, maybe I can guarantee that they will last longer.

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