Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shopping Day

Today was one of those few days a year when I have to give in and take my kids shopping for clothes. I like to shop with them. I would be a liar if I did not declare my love of shopping, for myself that is. Taking 3 kids shopping for clothes can be....difficult.

My little girl still likes stores like Gymboree and Justice. Easy in and easy out. She finds a color that makes her happy, if the shirts have glitter, all the better in her opinion. My older daughter and son are not so easy. The stores they like are so loud, cluttered, dark and stinky (I am convinced that stores geared to the pre teen demographic have those glade timed air fresheners set with stinky cologne). But, I dealt with it because the stores had great deals and my kids are in need of clothes. Sadly, they refuse to stop growing, so I find I am required to continue to clothe them on an as needed basis. Sales are all I have got to make sure that they have what they need.

I will end this blog with some frugal acts for the last couple of weeks:

1. Bought several needed shirts for the kids today at buy 1 get 1 1/2 off

2. Ate all meals at home this last week.

3. Bought birthday party supplies for my daughter's birthday party at the Dollar Store

4. Used several coupons at the mall today, added to the savings of the buy 1 get 1 1/2 off.

5. Planned meals along with sales at

6. 2 minute showers for all of us

7. Laundry washed in cold water

8. Left over night at least one night

9. Credit cards paid in full, no interest!

10. I brown bag it to lunch at work

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