Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16 - Spend Time With Young People

Okay, so I know that I am not old. But, I find that I feel really young when I spend some time with my kids and their friends. I did that this weekend and I had a blast.

Friday night I took my daughter and 5 of her friends out for her birthday. The girls all got manicures and then we went to my daughter's favorite restaurant, Bravo. I call Bravo the Italian version of Applebee's, maybe a little nicer, but a family place where it is fine to take a group of tweens.

When I am with my kids and their friends, I try not to get involved in the conversation, I just like to listen. I realize that little has changed in the way that kids this age interact. They may have more technology than we did, but everything else remains the same. They gossip, they talk about who they like and don't like, they laugh and just have fun. That is what happened on Friday and like I said, I had a blast.

These girls really made me laugh, a lot. No need to get into the details of our evening, I doubt anyone cares, plus it was our time. But, I walked away from the evening glad that I have children this age, they really do bring a lot of happiness into my life.

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