Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49 - Slow Down

I need to slow down and enjoy life a bit more. I feel like I do nothing but run, run, run. Always running errands, taking kids places, cleaning, laundry and just your basic maintaining a household stuff. I know that I am not unique, that we all feel this way and that it is hard for everyone.

Sometimes at the end of a particularly busy and stressful day I look back on what I accomplished and I can't think of one meaningful interaction that I had with my husband or children. That is not to say that I did not talk to them or spend time with them. But, the conversations involved when I should pick someone up or is homework done. I realize that I think I may have forgotten to ask them how their day was. I hate feeling that way. I know I start everyday meaningful though. I ask everyone in my family if the slept well every single morning, with a smile. I also tell each and everyone of them that I love them as they walk out the door. But, by 3:00 some days, the compassion is gone. I need to change that. How I will do that, I am not sure yet. But, I will.

My oldest is 13, I realize that he will be going to college in 5 short years. It makes me sad to think about it. I am running out of time having all 3 of them at home with me. I have been so busy trying to make everything perfect that I have let precious time slip away because I can't slow down. Tomorrow, I begin to change that. Maybe I let the house get messier or I cancel an appointment. But, I need to start making what is important more of a priority.

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