Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 73 - Throw Junk Mail Away Immediately

We get a lot of junk mail. Doesn't everyone? I have a habit of walking by the recycle bin with my pile of junk mail on a daily basis. I then put the junk mail on the desk to sit there for a week or two so that I can bring it back outside to the recycle bin I walked by the day I brought it in.

The junk mail has a tendency to multiply like bunnies! It just keeps reproducing with no end in sight. Eventually, I feel overwhelmed by a pile of paper that I will never open. So, I resolve to not bring it in the house anymore. I will dump it in the bin as I am walking to the house with my pile of legitimate mail. I will even go on those websites that are available to end it all together. My goal, no more mail. I already have our bills and bank statements as paperless, so why do I allow this junk to infiltrate my home? It must stop.

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